What Takes Place After a Dog Bite is Complained?

California has many dog bites that go unreported every year. This is mostly due to loyalty to the owner, friend, or family member. Although it may seem disloyal to report a dog bite, it is important that the victim and society are informed. You should seek medical attention immediately if a California dog has bit you. Then, make it a priority for the agency to investigate the incident.

What to do after a Dog Bite?

California has so many dog bite victims that anyone can become a victim. It is important that everyone who has been bitten by a dog knows what to do. Although medical attention is important, victims need to be able to think about potential legal issues to recover damages for any expenses that may have been caused by the dog bite.

  • TAKE PHOTOS – Dog bite injuries can range from minor scratches to severe disfigurement and even death. It doesn’t matter how minor a dog bite injury may appear, it is a good idea to grab your smartphone and begin taking photos.
  • GET THE DOG OWNER’S INFORMATION – If the owner does not grab the dog, or if they try to flee, you should try to find the owner’s address and name. Ask the owner for the name, gender, age and breed of their dog. Also, ask for the homeowner’s or renter’s information regarding their insurance.
  • CALL THE POLICE – Call the police immediately if the injury is more severe than a scratch or if the owner is aggressive.
  • SEEK MEDICAL TREATMENT – It is best to get medical attention as soon as you can. You can schedule an appointment with your primary care physician within 24hrs if the injury is not serious.
  • CALL ANIMAL CONTROL – You should call your local animal control to report the incident after you have received medical attention. 
  • CONTACT YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY – Notify your renter’s or homeowner’s insurance company about the incident. Your policy coverage may allow them to assist you in pursuing subrogation against your landlord or renter’s insurance company for compensation that covers your lost wages and out-of-pocket expenses.

The investigation does not end there. The animal control officer must interview the victim as well. If the victim has not been treated for an injury, the animal control officer will assess the severity of the bite and give appropriate information to the victim about what medical care they need. The investigation will involve the gathering of the following information by the animal control officer:

  • His rabies vaccination history
  • The breed of the dog that is being abused
  • Contact information for the dog-owner
  • Information about the past bite history and records of aggressive behavior in the past
  • Contact information for the facility or person who took responsibility for the dog during mandatory quarantine
  • The version of events as told by the owner or responsible for the dog
  • Information regarding the dog’s licence (if any)
  • The conditions of the dog’s home (including the measures taken by the owner to control the dog, such as fencing).

What types of compensation can a DOG BITE VICTIM receive?

California’s most experienced dog bite lawyers will seek the maximum amount of compensation for victims of animal attacks. These are the compensations:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • The two most painful things in life are suffering and pain
  • Permanent disability can cause a reduction in earning ability
  • Loss of wages
  • Permanent disability can cause lifestyle changes
  • Punitive damages

Summarized from an article by Arash Khorsandi Injury Lawyers.