What Should You Know About An Accident Waiting to Happen Because of Distracted Driving?

It is not unusual to see people using their phones while walking, eating at a restaurant or in public places. Technology is constantly evolving and becoming more embedded in everyday life. It is not appropriate to use a smartphone or another handheld electronic device while driving in a vehicle. It is extremely dangerous to text while driving. One text message can make a huge difference in your life and the lives of others.

The Law

  • California laws have made it illegal to use a handheld device to send text messages while driving since 2009.
  • California laws have become stricter about what electronic devices can do while driving.
  • Drivers over 18 years old can use the “hands-free” option for cell phones and electronic devices.
  • It is also illegal to use a handheld GPS device or check that GPS device while driving.
  • Drivers below the age of 18 cannot use the “hands free” option on their cell phones or electronic devices.

Unexpected Events Resulting from Cell Phone Use

According to the National Safety Council,26 percent of motor vehicle accidents involved cell phone use. Around one in four motor vehicle crashes is caused by cell phone use. A serious accident can result if you take your eyes off of the road for even a moment to check a notification or send a text message. Distracted driving can be dangerous

Summarized from an article by Sargent Law Firm.