How to Stay Safe in Bad Weather When You’re Riding a Motorcycle?

The best thing about owning a bike or motorcycle is that you can ride it wherever you want, even in bad weather. This fact alone can encourage people to continue biking no matter the weather.

Although bikes and motorcycles are vastly different, they share some common characteristics. One of the most important is that both bikers as well as cyclists are susceptible to serious injuries. They are not protected by the vehicle’s roof, sides, seatbelt, airbags, or seatbelts in an accident.

It is important to do your best to avoid any accidents. Early spring weather can be particularly challenging. These are some ways to protect yourself:

  • Find the perfect gear for your bike or motorcycle – When you’re trying to ride through the grit and slush on the roads, you may not realize how important mudguards are. Mudguards will prevent your tires from sliding on the roads.
  • Be visible to others by going out of your way – Inattentional blindness is a phenomenon that makes it difficult for drivers to see bikes and motorcycles on the roads. Passenger vehicle drivers can look straight through you because they haven’t learned to look for you. Inattentional blindness can be countered by being noticeable. This is especially important when gray weather makes everything (including your car) disappear into the background.
  • Keep in mind that defensive driving can change with the seasons – As you know, you must make eye contact and be alert for cars turning right. Early spring means that you must be aware that children are at school and buses are everywhere. Parents who are tired and rushed may not be able to focus on the road, too.

What should you remember about riding in bad weather?

Your safety is only part of what you can control, despite all your precautions. It’s impossible to control all the distracted drivers, tired drivers or those who refuse to share the road. You are the “guy on a bike” and you are always at the disadvantage of an accident.

Summarized from an article by Rafii & Associates, P.C.