What Are the Common Causes of California Bicycle Accidents and How To Avoid Them?

According to bicycle accidents cost more than $23 billion each year.

Bicycle accidents are likely to increase as more people use their bikes for transportation and exercise. It’s important that everyone is aware of road laws and bicycle safety.

The most common causes of bicycle accidents

Bicycle accidents can occur for many reasons. Even though safety protocols are in place, they still happen. These are the most common causes of bicycle accidents.

Use the bicycle lane or far right lane only.

  • It is important to keep your bicycle in the right lane when riding on the roads. If a sidewalk or bicycle path is available, you should not ride on the street.
  • Crossing the road to the other side is possible at an intersection or crosswalk. You should not cross traffic lanes or use the car turning lane.

Right turn of vehicle

  • A collision between a bike and a motor vehicle is one of the most common. Crosswalks are dangerous because of the possibility of right-turning vehicles.
  • Distracted driving is a leading factor in accidents of all types. Make sure that the driver can see you when you are approaching intersections on your bike. Don’t pull up to a vehicle that is indicating it will turn right.

Safety tips for bicyclists

You should not only avoid the most common causes of bicycle accidents, but you should also follow these safety tips whenever you are on the road.

  • Make sure your bike is in good working order. It can be very helpful to inspect your bike before you go on your ride. Check that your chain is tightened and oiled. Make sure your hand brakes are working properly and that your handlebars don’t move. Check that your tires are at the correct level, and that your seat is properly adjusted and locked in place. Check that the bike reflectors are visible from both the front and back.
  • Wear a helmet. Helmets can save your life and are an absolute necessity. Make sure the helmet fits properly on your head, and that the straps stay closed securely. Make sure the helmet stays in place by securing the chin strap. You must ensure that there is no “wiggle space” in the helmet. To ensure a perfect fit, you can insert pads if necessary.
  • Be visible. Wear reflective clothing, even during the day. Reflective material should be on both the front as well as the back of your clothing. You should also ensure that your bicycle has a headlight if you plan to ride it at night.
  • Be aware of all traffic laws. Remember to use hand signals while operating your bike. You should not wear earbuds, or any other ear covering that could prevent you hearing and responding to traffic.

Summarized from an article by MVP Accident Attorneys.