How To Get Compensated As A Motorcyclist Hit By A Drunk Driver (2023 Updated)

How To Get Compensated As A Motorcyclist Hit By A Drunk Driver (2023 Updated)

The Risks

There is a high chance of a drunk driver colliding with a motorcycle rider due to the sheer number of motorcyclists and cars that travel on local roads every day. This is because it is often more difficult for motorcycle riders to see and avoid an accident, even when they aren’t impaired themselves.

If you or someone you love was riding a motorbike and was hit by a drunk driver we recommend you seek legal help immediately. Drinking and driving are not compatible, as we all know. Speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer to discuss your rights and options. If you were injured in an accident that involved a drunk driver there is very high chance that you may be entitled to compensation for your injures.

Why you might have a personal injury case?

  • Drivers who have been drinking will not be as responsive to obstacles and their ability to control their vehicles will be less. This means that they are failing to fulfil their duty of care to other drivers on the road.
  • A drunk driver can pose a threat to everyone on the road because they must be able to react quickly to any obstacles in their path. As stated previously, motorcyclists lack the same protections as cars and can become seriously injured if they collide with a motorbike. A motorcyclist will likely sustain more severe injuries from an accident at the same speed. Personal injury settlements scale relative to the damages done to the injured party, meaning that more severe injuries are awarded higher settlements in court. This is because you have likely suffered more.

Getting Compensation

  • Compensation for your injuries is likely to be available if you are involved in a drunken driving accident while riding your bike. The facts of each case will determine how much compensation you are entitled to. Let’s say, for example, that the officers responding to an accident discovered that the driver had exceeded the legal limit of blood alcohol. You will be able to present a strong case to obtain compensation for your injuries and pain and suffering as a result of the driver’s negligence.

Suing an insurance company

Insurance companies may also attempt to claim that the motorcyclist was responsible for the accident. This strategy is based on the fact that insurance companies will pay less if it’s determined that a motorcyclist was also involved in the accident.

We recommend that you request the contact information of eye witnesses. Witness statements are often critical in court to prove that you were not at fault for that accident. Police reports will also help to prove this.

Summarized from an article by Banafshe Law Firm.