What Should You Do if You Got A Head Injury in A Car Accident?

What Should You Do if You Got A Head Injury in A Car Accident?

Traumatic brain injuries are one of the most serious and severe injuries a person could sustain. Imagine that you are in a head-on collision. Your head explodes forward, smashing into the windshield and steering wheel. Fortunately seat belts and airbags have greatly reduced the chance of brain damage, however there is always a chance. Here is what you need to know.

What makes brain injuries SO dangerous.

While the human skull is designed to protect your brain high speed car accidents often still cause brain injuries. It is widely considered that an open head wound is the most serious type of injury on can sustain in an accident. This means that the skull has been cracked or enough skin has been removed that serious bleeding is taking place. These are a very serious injury that can have devastating consequences if the emergency services are not on the scene quickly. The skull being cracked directly can cause brain damage, including loss of memory, personality changes, disfigurement scars, and loss of control over certain parts of the body.

Closed head injuries

Closed head injuries can also have devastating consequences such as concussions which are very common in car accidents. However, it is possible for a closed skull wound to cause internal bleeding and swelling brain. If the injury isn’t correctly diagnosed and the steps taken to heal the brain are not followed correctly swelling can cause impaired decision-making and cognitive behaviour.

Getting compensation

Brain injuries are common in car accidents and unfortunately it is just as common that proper treatment is not given to best restore the condition of the car accident victim. It is advised that if you feel that you or somebody you know was not treated with the appropriate care that you seek legal advice from a personal injury lawyer.

Given the severe nature of brain injuries, it is likely that you could have a personal injury case. Brain injury cases also tend to have amongst the highest settlements of all personal injury claims. To better understand if you might have a case see how the statue of limitations and negligence laws apply to you in your state. These are the two most important external factors affecting if you might have a potential claim.

Summarized from an article by The Downtown LA Law Group.