After a Divorce in California, Which Parent Covers Health Insurance Costs?

California divorce proceedings can lead to financial questions such as “Who pays for my child’s health insurance?” Although both parents share legal responsibility for their child’s care, it can be confusing to figure out who is responsible for what. A Los Angeles divorce lawyer can help you navigate complicated issues regarding child support.


  • It will depend on each case’s specific circumstances which parent pays for the child’s insurance. This question is not easy to answer. The family court judges don’t always require the father or mother to pay for health insurance. They determine each case’s financial responsibility based on the particular facts.
  • After a divorce, both parents must provide for their child. A judge might require that both parents continue to pay for their health insurance after a divorce judgment is rendered. However, it is more common for courts to make one spouse responsible. This obligation will usually be borne by the parent with the highest income.
  • A judge may include a payment to cover child health care in child support orders. This means that, although technically the higher earning parent is responsible for paying for the child’s health insurance, the parent who receives child support will have to pay for the coverage. This is not always true.
  • California courts may require that a parent with higher insurance coverage provide coverage for a child. A judge may assign the responsibility for providing health care to the spouse with the lower income if this is in the child’s best interest. To help with the costs, the spouse could receive a higher child maintenance award. Each case is different.


  • A child’s medical bills that were due before the divorce are considered marital debt. They will then be divided according California’s Community Property Division law. This law stipulates that all marital debts and property will be split equally in a divorce trial. This means that both parents would divide the existing medical debts of a child.
  • The case will determine which parent will pay for any new medical bills after a divorce. Your custody arrangement should specify who will pay for additional medical expenses for your child. This decision is made in the same manner as health insurance. It will be determined based on factors like each parent’s income, and the custody arrangement.


California’s parents have the right to create their own agreements about how they will handle medical expenses and health insurance for their child. Before the case is brought to trial, the courts will allow parents to create their parenting plans including child support and arrangements for health insurance.

Your ex-spouse and you can split the costs of your child’s medical care as you like. If one parent is responsible for most of the child’s expenses, it might be fair for the other person to cover medical bills and insurance. Your parenting plan should aim to reach an agreement that is fair for both you and fully covers your child’s medical needs.

Summarized from an article by Boyd Law.