Signs That Your Marriage Is On Shaky Grounds?

Are there signs that your marriage might be in trouble? Do you think your spouse has been ‘checked out’?

There are some signs that indicate a marriage is about to end:

The following 10 signs could indicate that your marriage is in decline:

1. You are keeping secrets.

There is nothing wrong in sharing some mystery with your partner, but it can be detrimental. There is something wrong with living a secret lifestyle. It is not healthy to have secret friends, secret email addresses, secret social media accounts, or any other type of secret life. Therapy can help you get to the bottom of the problem and improve your relationship, especially if it is caught early.

2. There is no intimacy.

Intimacy is a form of emotional or physical bonding that can be very beneficial to a healthy and happy relationship. If one of you is unable to build or strengthen that bond, it could be a sign you need to be concerned.

3. Same argument, different day.

If you are having the same arguments over and over, or watching them become more nastier and possibly physical, it is a sign that your marriage is failing. If you want to keep your relationship intact, any argument that has even the slightest chance of abuse should be brought up to a mediator (marriage counsellor/coach).

4. Violent physical violence

As a continuation to #3, physical abuse in a marriage is not okay. There are resources available to help. Domestic abuse victims  A compassionate family lawyer can help you to find the best way to take care of your children, if they have any.

5. Substance Abuse

You or your spouse may be abusing food, alcohol, drugs, and pills in an attempt to end your relationship.

6. Emotionally unbalanced

Your partner or you were once happy and fun-loving. But that is no longer the case. It could be an indication that your relationship is not fulfilling you. Is this a sign that it is time to end the relationship? It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to end it. However, this is a great opportunity to examine the emotions that are driving your personality change.

7. There are no shared interests

It is important to have your own life. However, if you and your spouse are drifting apart so much that you have no common interests, it’s time to evaluate your relationship. Unfortunately, partners who are drifting apart often have other people willing to take their place.

8. Let it all hang out.

Once you were a charming, well-mannered couple. You (or your spouse!) now look like a slob and could care less. It’s time for you to evaluate your relationship if you stop caring about how your partner sees you or whether they find you attractive.

9. Infidelity.

Many couples find infidelity to be a major problem. It can be very difficult and sometimes very lengthy to rebuild the foundation of trust once one partner has broken it.

10. You are now checked out.

You may have already tried to end the relationship by engaging in some of the above points. This is a good time for you to reflect on your needs and wants in marriage and life. The list of indicators that your marriage may be in trouble is not exhaustive. Neither is the identification with any of these items a sign that your marriage has ended. There are ups and downs in every relationship.

Summarized from an article by Walzer Melcher & Yoda LLP.