How Can You Prevent Dog Bites in Children? 

California is prone to dog bites. California has had the highest number of dog-related deaths among all 50 states in recent years. These attacks were most common in Southern California, particularly in San Diego.

Dog bites that affect children younger than 5 years old are most common during daily activities. Children interact with familiar dogs such as their family dog or another dog they know well. Keep in mind that most dog bites are caused by familiar animals. Prevention Starts in your own home.

How To Prevent Dog Bites Involving Children:

  • Nearly one in five dogs that bites them require medical attention. Children are at greater risk of serious injuries due to the fact that most injuries to the head, neck, and face occur in children. Dog bites can be prevented by parents being aware of the simple precautions they can take.
  • No one should leave a child with a dog alone, no matter if it’s your family dog, a friend’s dog, or a dog that you are certain is well-behaved. Every dog is capable of biting.
  • You may get bit if your child plays aggressive games with a dog like tug of war and wrestling.
  • Your child should learn to ask the dog owner permission before touching a dog.
  • Before you pet a dog, let it sniff you and your child. Avoid touching their face or tail. Always give your dog a gentle touch and avoid eye contact at all costs, especially when you are just starting to pet him.
  • Do not disturb a dog who is sleeping, eating, or taking care of her puppies. Dogs are more inclined to be aggressive in situations where the person is not familiar.
  • Your child should learn to behave calmly and slowly around dogs.
  • Your children should be taught that dogs who behave aggressively must be calmed. The children should not make eye contact with the dog, and they should move away slowly until the dog loses interest.
  • You can protect your face and eyes from a dog by curling up in a ball.
  • Never let a dog run away from you and scream.
  • Report any bites to an adult immediately.

How To Treat Dog Bites?

What to do if your child is bitten by a dog?

  • Ask for proof of rabies vaccination and the name and contact information of the dog’s owner. You should also request the name and number of a veterinarian who is familiar with the dog’s history and vaccination records.
  • Use soap and water to clean the wound immediately.
  • Your pediatrician should be contacted immediately as the bite could require antibiotics, tetanus and rabies shots. You can also get help from your doctor in reporting the incident to appropriate authorities.
  • For severe bites, call 9-1-1 or bring your child to the emergency room.
  • Tell the emergency doctor about your child’s current tetanus status and the vaccination status of the dog (or give contact information for the veterinarian), as well as the owner and whether the dog has ever bit.
  • Follow your pediatrician’s advice to ensure that you get the best possible healing.

Recommendations For Dog Owners:

  • To reduce aggression, spay or neuter your dog.
  • Dogs should be socialized and trained properly before they enter the home.
  • Seek professional advice immediately (e.g. If your dog exhibits aggressive or unwelcome behaviors, consult a veterinarian, animal behaviorist, or animal trainer immediately.
  • Playing aggressive games with your dog (e.g. wrestling, tug-of-war).
  • When your dog is not on your property, keep it on a leash.

 To file a report, check with your local Animal Control agency. You may also be asked to report the dog bites to your local police and health department. If the dog can’t be identified, the vet will record if it has had its rabies shots. You may have to administer rabies shots if it isn’t current or if the dog is lost.

Summarized from an article by Arash Khorsandi Injury Lawyers.