What Are the Techniques of Life-Saving Driving for Motorcycle Drivers?

Motorcycles are unique on roads. Motorcycle drivers are vulnerable to other drivers and the elements, which can make them more dangerous or even fatal. All drivers need to be defensive, but motorcycle riders are especially vulnerable. To reduce the chance of an accident, motorcycle riders can take certain steps.

Motorcycle Safety Courses

Both novice and expert drivers can take courses. California motorcycle riders under 21 years old must take the Motorcycle Safety Course. Drivers over 21 years old are not required to take the course. However, it is highly recommended that they do so in order to be ready for driving. It takes only 15 hours. The course includes 10 hours driving and 5 in the classroom. Motorcycle drivers are often perceived as being too cautious and defensive by other drivers.

Defensive Driving Techniques

There are some techniques you can use in everyday driving, even if you don’t want to.

  • Be aware of the location of collisions. Motorcycle drivers are most at risk from a crash at intersections. A driver who turns left in front of another vehicle is the most common cause of an accident. Extra caution at intersections could save your life.
  • Pay attention to your blind spots. Motorcycles can be smaller than an average car. It is more likely that drivers will not see motorcycles in their blind spots. Motorcycle drivers need to be aware of their surroundings, and pay attention to automobiles moving around them, especially if they are in their blind spot.
  • Be visible. Because motorcycles are smaller than cars, it is important to have lights on. It doesn’t matter if you drive at night or day. You must always assume that other drivers cannot see you. This will ensure that defensive driving is not an option.
  • Always wear the correct gear. A California motorcycle rider and driver must be always wearing a helmet. Your helmet must meet Department of Transportation requirements. A rider must also wear the appropriate protective clothing. You should wear clothing that covers most of your body and has padding to protect you from a crash.
  • Be aware of the weather conditions. Even driving in ideal conditions can make it dangerous to ride a motorcycle. If you plan to ride your motorcycle, pay attention to the weather conditions and don’t drive in anything less than perfect conditions.

Summarized from an article by Sargent Law Firm.