What Should Be Included in a Demand Letter to an Insurance Company Regarding a Personal Injury?

First, be sure to include your identifying information in the letter. This information includes your name, as well as any relevant numbers such the insurance policy number and the claims adjustment number.

Even though you and the insurance company may be figuratively on opposite sides of a negotiating table, it is important that you make it easy for them to place your request letter in the correct file. These are big bureaucracies that receive thousands of letters every day. It should be easy for them to route your mail to the correct place.

You should also be clear about what happened. In the event that you were involved in a car accident, you should list the intersection at which you were struck. Describe in plain English what happened to you. You should provide documentation from your doctor if you are suffering from whiplash, trauma brain injuries or any other neck or back pain following an accident.

Third, be specific about the treatment you received. For example: Was there surgery to fix a broken bone? Did you receive physical therapy? Was it necessary to visit the chiropractor? You should again use plain English to explain what happened.

Fourth, what was the impact of the injury on your life? You should tell your insurance company if you are constantly in pain or unable to fall asleep due to pounding headaches. The insurance company must know if you are unable to work for several weeks, unable to take care of your children or unable to enjoy your usual activities.

Include details about your journey to recovery, including how you felt.

Personal Injury Demand Letter Template and Checklist


  • Your name and contact information
  • Contact information for the insurance company
  • Information about the insurance policy including the name and policy number of the insured
  • Specific information about your claim including your birth date and claim number


Dear Mr./Ms. Claim Adjustor]:

  • Introduction [a brief explanation about the personal injury accident]
  • When the accident occurred
  • It happened where
  • Who was involved?
  • What happened and how it happened

Explanation and Recovery of Your Injuries

  • What brought you to the doctor? Was it a headache, bleeding, or something else?
  • your diagnosis
  • What your treatment was like and what medication you were given
  • How long the injuries lasted
  • How your life has changed due to the injuries and treatment
  • Any lingering effects of injuries after treatment is complete

Other costs you incurred as a result of the personal injury accident

  • Money spent on fixing up your car or buying a new one
  • Costs to replace or repair personal property such as electronics, clothing or your cell phone
  • The money you didn’t make because you weren’t working
  • New childcare costs due to the accident

Your Demand

  • The amount you want
  • Here is a breakdown of all the expenses
  • Why do you think you have a right to compensation for emotional distress, pain and suffering?

Conclusion Paragraph

  • How an insurance company can reach your location
  • When you need them to reply (usually within 30 Days).


  • The police report
  • Medical bills include treatment and diagnosis.
  • Cost to repair or replace your car

Summarized from an article by Trial Lawyers Freeman & Freeman.